"14 This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come."
-Matthew 24:14

David Castro is a Director, Author, Speaker, and Adviser to organizations on how to train and equip with the knowledge and understanding of God’s Spiritual Laws, Principles and Truths.
David Castro was born in Bucaramanga, Colombia SA. At an early age his father Pastor Gabriel Castro moved the family to the United States where he grew up.
From his youth David was an entrepreneur and owned several businesses. After completing his education, he served in the United States Army and is a decorated combat Veteran of the Vietnam War.
In Jan of 1973 he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. On January 9, 1975, David accepted the call into ministry. His early years as a Singing Evangelist and Pastor were within the denomination that he grew up in as a PK (preacher’s kid).
In 1982 the Holy Spirit gave him UNDERSTANDING of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. He resigned from the denomination and began serving The Kingdom of God in an Apostolic calling; equipping, training, discipling and building up men and women all over the world. David has ministered in 106 countries and planted over 440 congregations in different parts of the world. Started many schools and learning centers and taught in many Bible schools and Ministry Training Centers. Has raised and discipled hundreds of men and women who today are spiritual leaders in their respective nations. For 7 years David was a speaker for the Promise Keepers men ministry. He counsels and Shepherds many leaders in the Body of Christ.

"18 I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church (Ekklesia); and the gates of Hades will not overpower it."
-Matthew 16:18
English / Inglés
True Kingdom Shelter - Pastor David Castro

True Kingdom Shelter - Pastor David Castro

Complete in Christ Part 3

Training the ARMY of the Kingdom - TAK

Welcome to The Ekklesia. April 11, 2020
Spanish / Español
Al Abrigo del Altísimo Parte 3- Abril del 2020

Al Abrigo del Altísimo Parte 3- Abril del 2020

Tema: Completos en Cristo - Pastor David Castro // Serie // Parte 9 - Junio 07, 2020

2021 Y EL ETERNO PROPÓSITO DE DIOS// Pastor David Castro// 29 Dic. 2020 Parte 2

Tema: La vida en el Espíritu - Pastor David Castro // Parte 04 // - 27 de Septiembre de 2020
Zoom Livestream
Join Me Live on Sundays for Ekklesia
Sundays: English at 10:00 am & Spanish at 7:00 pm

The Kingdom Ministry School program is a 9 month course made up of 3 trimesters. Each trimester is made up of 12 weeks where 30 sessions of studies are presented.
It is a VIRTUAL school on ZOOM one night a week at 7:00 pm CST and one Saturday morning per month at 9:00 am CST.